admin 發表於 2023-3-27 12:13:36

Python GUI Development with PyQt6 & Qt Designer

course content:(學習路徑圖)

(1) a simple introduction to PyQt , after that we go through installation process and what IDE we want to use
(2) focus on using different widgets and UI components in PyQt6,
(3)create a simple notepad application,
(4)about database handling in PyQt6, basically we are using MySQL database,
(5)work on 2D graphics and drawing,
(6) about QtQuick and QML (Qt Markup Language),
(7) focus on working with different charts using PyQtChart, the charts will be created using PyQt and also QtQuick.
(8) create a simple library management system with PyQt6 and Qt designer,
(9) talk about QtMultiMedia and PyQtWebEngine, we will create a simple media player also a simple web browser in PyQt, also we convert our PyQt PY file to EXE file and

(10) create installer for our application. there are different versions of PyQt, in this course we want to use the latest version of PyQt and that is called PyQt6.

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